Portrait of Captain Ezra Weston (1743-1822) (SOLD)

Rufus Hathaway Weston portrait Rufus Hathaway Weston portrait

Rufus Hathaway Weston portrait

Tear Sheet

Rufus Hathaway (1770-1822), Duxbury, Massachusetts


oil on canvas

38” x 25”

Rufus Hathaway billed Ezra Weston for six portraits dated between January and June 1793; four of these portraits are now in the collection of the Abby Aldrich Rockefeller Folk Art Center at Colonial Williamsburg.

Provenance: Sylvia (Weston) Sampson, daughter of sitter; Sylvia Church (Sampson) Winslow, daughter; Graham T. Winslow, grandson; Bertram K. and Nina Fletcher Little, purchased from the above in 1974; Sotheby’s, New York, 22 October, 1994, lot 905; Peter and Barbara Goodman, Rye, New York; Christie’s, New York, 20 January 2022, lot 163; Private Collection

Exhibition: Duxbury, Ma, Art Complex Museum, Rufus Hathaway – Artist and Physician, 1770-1822, 18 March – 17 May 1987.

Literature: Nina Fletcher Little, “Doctor Rufus Hathaway, Physician and Painter of Duxbury, Massachusetts, 1770-1822,” Art in America, vol. 41 (Winter 1953), pp. 116-118, no. 10.
Jean Lipman and Tom Armstrong, American Folk Painters of Three Centuries (New York, 1980), p. 37.

Nina Fletcher Little, Little by Little: Six Decades of Collecting American Decorative Arts (Hanover, NH, 1984), p. 133, fig. 174.
Lanci Valentine and Nina Fletcher Little, “Rufus Hathaway, Artist and Physician,” The Magazine Antiques (March 1987), p. 635, pl. V.
Lanci Valentine, Rufus Hathaway: Artist and Physician 1770-1822 (Duxbury, MA, 1987), p. 35.
The Frick Art Reference Library, ref. 121-6D.
Peter Goodman, Notebook, no. 962.
