Furniture Demilune Table Set of Six Spindle-Back Windsor Chairs Diminutive Blanket Chest Drysink Chair Table in Green Paint (SOLD) Grain-Painted Two-Part Corner Cupboard Tavern Table Decorated Lift-Top Chest over Drawer Schoolmaster’s Desk (SOLD) Diminutive Corner Cupboard Bowback Windsor Armchair with Unusually High Back Two-Drawer Stand “Heart” Stool Serving Table Mortised Bench Pennsylvania Decorated Chest Delaware Valley Slat-Back Armchair Queen Anne Chest of Drawers Hanging Spice Chest with Heart Cut-Out Dome-Top Chest Schrank Set of Six Queen Anne Side Chairs Rare and Important Mahantongo Chest of Drawers Exceptional Three-Tier 23-Arm Chandelier Hanging Wall Box Seven-Arm Chandelier Decorated Chest over Drawers Pennsylvania-German Schrank Rare Windsor Dish-Top Candlestand Exceptionally Early Blanket Chest Chest of Drawers Dower Chest Philadelphia Painted Bowback Windsor Armchair Decorated Birdcage Candlestand Single Drawer Stand Drying Rack Comb-Back Windsor Armchair Six-Arm Chandelier with Central Glass Globe Birdcage Windsor Armchair Wall Cupboard Red-Painted Mahantongo Chest-of-Drawers Centre County Blanket Chest with Spread Eagle Chair Table with Stretcher Base Arrow-Back Windsor Child’s Potty Chair Glen Rock Exuberantly Decorated Blanket Chest An Extraordinary Tablet-Top Windsor Settee Rare Low-Back Windsor Chair Decorated Wash Stand Dome-Top Blanket Chest Fancy Slat-Back Settee Rare Child’s Five-Slat Rocking Chair Decorated Slat-Back Rocker High-Back Windsor Armchair Large Scaled Six Board Chest Otto Dower Chest Decorated Blanket Chest Roll-Top Windsor Settee Comb-Back Windsor Side Chair